Stay in Touch
professionalism / care / knowledges
KARIZZA is a fashion photographer with 15 years of experience who is recognized as a world top photographer in sphere of body positivity, her projects went viral and was published in the most well known fashion magazines worldwide such as Elle, Cosmopolitan, Harpers Bazaar, L'Officiel, Marie Clair and others.
She is a model coach and creator of the unique and only one in the world Model Program which helps models to find their super power, gain confidence and change their life.
Moevir Magazine February Issue 2021 featured edition
[Stay in Touch]
Photographer: Karina Poltavtseva @photo_karizza
Hair & Makeup: Dmitrii Puchnin @EMG @dmitriipuchninbeauty
Female Model: Jo Schopper @alittlebitjo
Could you share how you expand your vision of art, fashion?
I don't like empty things or work without meaning just for money. My work is full of symbolism and it is super important for me to create projects which help people to see deeper or find what they are looking for to transform their life.
If you have a superpower or talent, which one do you wish to have? Why?
I already have and know what is my superpower and it is the best what the universe could give me. I am able to feel people and help them to change their life if they let me.
Do you have any problems with your profession? How did you solve it?
The main problem of my profession is that most of the people wanna copy someone else and don't live their own life which can be much better than any others. My aim is to help people to realize that they are unique and have potential which no one else has in this world and I do it with the help of my photography and classes.
What do you think about your work? Is it what you like, or simply saying a dream?
I love my work because this is my passion and my way to express how I see this world.
In modern society, lots of people want to be famous, influential. What do you think about it?
As i said above, nowadays the biggest problem is that people are looking at fancy lives in social media and they want to copy it but unfortunately most of people don't realise that what they see is just a fake and celebrities and big bloggers are the same people with the same problems and sometimes they are less happy than regular people. We will reach our dreams only when we realize that we are one of a kind and create activity which we prefer without coping or following the trend.
To become famous, what kind of qualities do you think the person should have?
Be yourself, it is the best thing that every person can do to become famous. If you pay attention you will see that all famous people are different from others, they did what they love and in the beginning most of them were not accepted by society but they were insisting and it brought them to where they are now. It is important to do what you really love even if no one understands you and one day it will be noticed. No sense to follow the trend because someone's success is not your success and you just become the shadow.
What will be the suggestions to new photographers?
Always try different styles and techniques otherwise you will not understand what you like. Don't shoot all styles just to earn money, if you do everything it means that you do nothing perfect, choose your sphere and develop in it everyday. Don't shoot just for money, because you will lose creativeness and will have to do what other people want and not what you want, this way your photography will lose the magic.
Where does your inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes from what I see around. On this particular shooting you can see my student Jo Schopper who simply look like an angel, her potential is indescribable because her appearance, her work and ability to listen to the photographer is a new level and i am super proud to present her as a new professional model which will definitely reach the top, expect to see her in the best model agencies.
What is the most important thing for creating new work?
There is not one thing you should do to create something special. The most important is to start from choosing the concept which has meaning, creating the moodboard, choose right people as a team with who you can be on the same page, model who can listen to you and help you to create the masterpiece because she is one of the main person on the stage, choose the right location and create the unique lightning set, and finish it with correct postproduction.
Do you have that feeling? When you have a look at the work you created 1 or 2 years ago, you still think it is in fashion.
I am growing non stop, learning something new and developing new techniques all the time. It is very important to look at old works to realize how much did you grow and sometimes people see that they did not develop but got the regress so it will be the sign that you are moving to the wrong direction. i am happy to say that i see the huge evolution in my works but also happy that i had regress couple of times as well and it helped me to improve myself, so that's why it is super important not to delete old works and check them sometimes