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She was born in the heart of Transylvania, in a city named Brasov in Romania.

At the age of just 16 her mother signed her up for modeling school and soon after she had her first portfolio. She then went on to college to get her degrees in both Psychology and Social Assistance. After graduating she decided to travel and see the world, one of her favorite spots was America and after visiting she moved here in 2012.

And, that’s when her serious pursuit of her modeling career began


Moevir Magazine April Issue 2020 featured edition


Female Model: Gabriela Draghici @lightshine222

Photographer: Aaron Riveroll @aaronriveroll

Photographer: Harris Davey @harrisdaveyphoto

Photographer: David J Crewe @davidjcrewe

Photographer: Thais Vieira @thaisvieiraphotography

Photographer: Luis Munoz @iamluismunoz

Makeup Artist: Madalina Stile @madstilemakeup

Makeup Artist: Arlethe Giselle @arlethegiselle

Make up and Hair: Arlethe Giselle @arlethegiselle

Make up artist: Deanne Jean Vanwinkle @deannemuavegas

Hair stylist: Jessica Lopez @hairmajesty

Hair stylist: Jeton Mullaliu @iamjetonfashion


Tell us something about you. Maybe your life, profession, habit, dream.

I was born in the heart of Transylvania, in a city named Brasov in Romania. At the age of just 16 my mother signed me up for modeling school and soon after I had my first portfolio. I then went on to college to get my degrees in both Psychology and Social Assistance. After graduating I decided to travel and see the world, one of my favorite spots was America and after visiting I moved here in 2012. And, thats when my serious pursuit of my modeling career began.

What makes you choose this profession?

My mother had the biggest impact on me becoming a model. But I choose this profession because I’m always trying to improve myself and grow personally. I love how modeling allows me to express my emotions through being creative. And, the travel and people are amazing also.

Is art, fashion important in your life? Why?

Art and fashion are important to me because I am always working on expanding my artistic vision. My vision is what guilds and leads me to a greater inner contentment and fulfillment in my life. I was born to create and be a living part of art.

Could you share how do you expand your vision of art, fashion?

My two favorite places to take expand my art are kind of opposites. I look to places like fashion & trending magazines , pinterest or kayvar for inspiration. I love to spend time in nature to expand my vision of beauty. I live in a city where there is a lot of diversity which also expands my vision, I can be in the desert, the mountains, or deep in the canyons surrounded by a beautiful clear lake. Of course we can’t forget that Las Vegas is also a big city of hotel lights and a crazy land of fantasy.

If you have a superpower or talent, which one do you wish to have? Why?

if you have a super power what would that be? teleportation the ability to explore the world and be with the loved once at any time I find it priceless. talent-singer not necessary to become a professional singer, i believe is a beautiful way to express your emotions or to sign to your friends, beloved ones, life gathering.

What will be the suggestions to new photographers?

Is not to neglect that every model is different and is important to build a relationship based on respect and encourage each other, pictures are more than images, they are vibrations.

Bridging the Confluence of Fashion, Art, and Innovation. stands at the intersection of avant-garde fashion and cutting-edge art photography. At the core of our vision is a dedication to offer our discerning readers.
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