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Outspoken / passionate / Love to crying to happy endings

DEMETRI’Dshawn  a freelance fashion model  and travel influencer from Queens NY.  If that’s not enough, add entrepreneur to the list. In 2022 he opened his first e-commerce small business body care line naming it Clean Culture skin. 

Rewinding back a few years of his self proclaimed success. Some would say one foot in one foot out. Working under a boutique modeling  agency “ Chase models' ' As Former socialite , he’s been covered on VOGUE'S online Blog site, BFA and more , and almost an AMERICA NEXT TOP MODEL contestant. He aired on the first ever season of the male and female #ANTM model competition! 

Worked with numerous emerging underground designers, brands and editorial photographers. he’s not a stranger to the fashion industry.


Moevir Magazine August Issue 2023 featured edition

[Ken Made me do it]

Creative Director: Demetri'dshawn @demetri'dshawn

Makeup Artist: Elisabeth DeBratto @_elisabellabeauty_

Photographer: Chaniel Andran @chanielandran_photo

Male Model: Demetri'dshawn  @demetri_dshawn

Wardrobe Stylist: Karlita Sutela @thestylita


Can you tell us about your journey into the fashion industry and how you became a successful model/blogger?

My journey has been  a long uphill situation. I wouldn't call it success just yet. I’d call it progress. I was first introduced to fashion through my junior high school days. 

That’s when I actually drew my first clothing design. It went from creating designs on paper to not designing at all and  actually wanting to wear the clothing. I blame Tyra banks and #ANTM  for that boost of confidence. It really shaped me and my path !

What inspired you to pursue a career in fashion and how do you stay motivated?

Fashion , pop culture,  beauty all of these things excites me like really get my gears going,  going !  So things like that has truly inspired me from day one. creating whether I was in front of the camera or behind ! Directing  or producing the project

What keeps me inspired is definitely my passion. Because I haven’t “ quote  on quote “  gotten my big break yet.  Coming off a 4 ½  year modeling hiatus. It’s definitely the passion for fashion that’s keeping me motivated in the game . plus One day when I’m old and shriveled up. I would hate to feel like I didn’t  do enough to reach my goal or dream or  whatever  !

As a fashion model/blogger, how do you keep up with the latest trends and maintain your own unique style?

Keeping up with the latest trends is so annoying these days because everyone has a short attention span and no originality. It’s overwhelming trying to do or be something you're not or be trendy because that’s what is expected of you ! 

But social media plays a huge part in how I create and present my personal style.  I like to  keep up with trendy basketball stars  because I love street style/ street fashion, I’ll binge  Runway shows on youtube, and my favorite. people watching. There will always be someone that’s more stylish then the next. I take the things, flip it and make it my own.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to become a successful fashion model/blogger?

I would say put your best foot forward , you're only as good as your next job. Create to the best of your ability stay confident, passionate and consistent. Make lots of friendships ! 

Just do all these things and before you know it,  you’ll look back and won’t believe all the things you have accomplished !  Take my word !

Can you describe your creative process when putting together a photoshoot or blog post?

To feel super inspired , I need to get the mood Board going. Because the energy thrives off of that mood board ! Gather the creatives , selecting through experienced, semi experience creatives but ultimately someone or people that understands the assignment not for the clout or just a check. Creating because creating is literally still a thing and getting a check is the icing on the cake ! I love these types of creatives !

How do you balance your personal style with the expectations of clients or readers?

It’s hard because clothes are expensive. My style is very expensive, meaning the things that I want at times but  I refuse to go broke trying to look good for social media. It is  hard to keep that balance because looks are what sells the image.  

Getting your basic pieces , your statement pieces and some designer accessories you can mix and match. I do what’s true to the brand I’m creating for myself and If you mess with it you do if you don’t you don’t !  I do promise you’ll thank me later with this formula ! (optional obviously everyone’s finances are different. But yes in that sense !

What do you think are some of the biggest challenges facing the fashion industry today and how do you see it evolving in the future?

Not enough inclusion, lack of black  models. Still. That’s been an issue from beginning of time and still needs lots of work !

Height restrictions It’s so much more , When designers  send their models down the runway. That image speaks  for what your brand represents and I hate that  inclusion is still not as widespread as it should be !

How do you use your platform as a fashion model/blogger to advocate for important social and environmental causes?

I don’t really like to get into politics unless its something I feel very strongly about. I like to allow people to have their own opinions but sometimes I just feel like such a small voice in a loud over crowded room, That it’s no use.  There are a few causes I’d love to advocate for. When people start to listen I’ll start to talk more !

Can you tell us about a particularly memorable or challenging experience you've had as a model/blogger and how you overcame it?

My four year Modeling hiatus. It was so hard to feel inspired to get back into doing what I loved again, working so hard on building this path for myself  only to get the door shut in my  face over and over.  you start to believe that you are not good enough.  

I let life take over. Life started life-ing  and I just lost the desire, my passion and  creative wit I feel like I had. It was really hard to bring myself back to the, I’m a winner mindset. But I’m back just trynna take off from where I started and implanted my experiences.

What role do you think diversity and inclusivity play in the fashion industry and how do you strive to promote these values in your work?

It plays a huge role and a lot of the times  I feel like they fall short. Inclusiveness in the industry to me feels like diversity hires. There is always this token face. Me breaking into the industry and hitting the fashion world by storm would definitely be a promotion of my values in itself. in a perfect world, but  being who I am and looking the way I look , working the way I work being unapologetically m,  being booked busy and collecting my accolades. 

That’s my service to promoting inclusiveness in the fashion world. They let someone like me in … that’s all you need !

Can you discuss your thoughts on the relationship between fashion and sustainability?

I love that fashion and sustainability is a thing. it’s been a thing but now with more media coverage . I’m here for how progressive it’s been in that light. I’ve heard some horrible stories about fast fashion, the landfills being overflowed with clothes.

How do you think technology is changing the fashion industry and your role as a model/blogger?

I think that technology has created this space that allows corporations in the fashion industry to capitalize off of people in general. Stealing ideas from small creatives, underpaying models. It created this without the prestige of existence in the fashion space. Very selective and Very accessible. But it's not all bad. I feel like technology has also  pushed inclusiveness  because  you cannot throw a rock and hide your hand on social media. 

So many advocates , woke influencer ,platforms just sitting  ready to expose these brands. They are under constant scrutiny. This pushes them to actually make the right decisions. Sometimes! It affected me personally in my first era because it was all about who had the look ( I did and do ) and who had the super large following. There was little to no inclusiveness.

How do you stay authentic and true to yourself in an industry that can sometimes prioritize appearance over personality?

Just know your worth , no urself before jumping in and taking on your artist persona. Keep good friends that motivate you and keep you grounded. I haven’t reached this level of success yet. I have a lot of work to do. I do hear all of the most successful people say these things are what’s most important. I say  be yourself, always put your personality first so people see you as a person and not hanger !

Can you talk about any upcoming projects or collaborations that you're excited about?

First off this ken shoot was literally kinda like a rebirth. Lol dramatics right. So I’m excited.  I do have a few projects that are in the works. I don’t want to say much because the time isn’t right. But I’m ready to continue creating. It’s my comfort Zone. I  want everything to work out. What I can say is go and Follow My Skin care line

“ CLEAN CULTURE SKIN “ on instagram  - @cleancultureNyc I’m launching a new Collection in September and we need y’all getting familiar with the brand now if you aren’t already  !! Because baby the products or on point !!

How do you approach working with brands or designers whose values may not align with your own?

I don’t !

Can you share any tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance as a fashion model/blogger?

I'm literally still trying to find that balance. It’s so bad right now. On a daily  I have so many ideas and things running through my head , creative content , productions , small business stuff  , relationships and life. I don’t think I’ll ever master it. You  just get a lil better at it.

How do you see the role of fashion evolving in society and culture, particularly in relation to self-expression and identity?

I think if this new era continues to push the boundaries in fashion and pop culture through social influence and individuality  the fashion world will be very much more progressive. The people holds the pendulum. Tech is doing its Big One. We just have to keep up I feel like !

Can you discuss any personal style icons or influences that have inspired your own fashion journey?

Models : Simon nessman , Alton mason , Winnie Harlow , Broderick hunter , keke Palmer , brandy , NICKI MINAJ just to name a few !

What advice would you give to someone who is struggling to find their own unique style and voice within the fashion industry?

I’d say just just do what makes you feel happy , go in a direction that feels less like work but allows you to be your most confident and creative. Stick to that and show people why it’s important . Build your own community !

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